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L'uomo più ricco di Babilonia (0)

George S. Clason


Gestione finanziaria personale

Editore: Gribaudi

Anno: 1999

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Non inserito

Isbn 10: 8871525523

Isbn 13: 9788871525525

This personal finance, worldwide, best-selling classic has been modernized so that you can take advantage of these rich-thinking principles in easy to read modern English. The original, "King James" dialogue was likely easy to read 90 years ago, but in modern times, has become difficult for generation X and younger. Learn the secrets of wealth the top 1% know that you don't because you were never taught financial education in school. Learn to keep and multiply your money so that you will prosper and your money will work as hard as you do.

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